
在紧急情况下 situation which disrupts or has the potential to disrupt campus operations and services on the 体育菠菜大平台 campus, 紧急行动计划将启动. 这个计划的一个重要部分是提醒学生, faculty and staff of the emergency situation and to list any precautionary steps to take if known.

体育菠菜大平台Alert will notify you any time the campus community is impacted by a significant emergency or dangerous situation which involves the immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community. 这可以包括

  • 严重犯罪事件
  • 活跃枪手/武装入侵者
  • /街垒人质事件
  • 内乱或暴动
  • 确认可疑包裹、炸弹或爆炸物
  • 严重的结构损坏或火灾
  • 严重的卫生疫情
  • 生物威胁
  • 恐怖主义事件
  • 接近龙卷风或极端天气状况

在紧急情况下, our goal is to communicate first with those most immediately impacted and then those who will be less impacted by the situation. The ability to meet this goal may be impacted by the urgency of getting the communication out and not knowing the exact physical location of individuals affected by an emergency situation.

体育菠菜大平台Alert will send emergency messages from 体育菠菜大平台 to devices and addresses you designate. Communication devices can be cell phones (text and voice), landline phones, and 电子邮件地址. Telephone numbers and 电子邮件地址 for 体育菠菜大平台Alert will be maintained from SAP for employees and MyBLUE for students. It is critical that for you to receive emergency messages from 体育菠菜大平台Alert that your telephone numbers and 电子邮件地址 are kept up-to-date in SAP & MyBLUE. 员工 and students may "opt in" to receive emergency messages through text messages.

学生和员工 who do not wish to receive emergency messages on their personal telephones or 电子邮件地址 may "opt-out". (退出形式) 学生和员工 不能 “选择退出”在体育菠菜大平台固定电话上接收体育菠菜大平台Alert, 由体育菠菜大平台提供的体育菠菜大平台电子邮件地址或手机.

如果您收到体育菠菜大平台Alert错误或在您离开体育菠菜大平台后,发送电子邮件 fastrj@546qc.com 或致电308-865-8911

体育菠菜大平台Alert will be tested at the once during the semester unless it has already been activated for a real event prior to its scheduled test. The test messages will be clearly identified so that contacts will understand the message is being received only to test the system.

